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Mock CQC /CIW Inspection- £1250

This mock inspection is a great way to identify if your service is ready for its CQC inspection. It will also give Managers and support staff experience of what to expect.

The inspection will include 1- 2 days at your service. Your service will be audited in line with CQC key lines of enquiries. A report will be completed to assess whether the service is:






Each report highlights good practice and a detailed action plan that is KLOE mapped.

Full detailed audit of service 20 service users and under- £1995, 40 service users and under - £2995, 60 service users and under £3750, 60plus £4995

The audit will be undertaken by the lead consultant who has over 16 years experience within the health and social care sector. She has a proven track record in turn around projects and a 100% success rate with CQC inspections and Quality assessment framework inspections.

The audit will not just look at a sample, but each file within the organisation. This audit will highlight any gaps in compliance or any areas which require improving or updating to comply with regulations and legislation.

The Audit will take approximately 1 week dependent on size and availability of documentation within the organisation.

Following the audit, a full detailed report will be compiled and a clear action plan devised to rectify any shortfalls in compliance or recommendations.

Compliance Workshop- How to pass a CQC inspection £105PP

This one day workshop is ideal for all managers and those who are looking to progress into a management role.

The course covers Legislation and regulations. It will give managers the ability to understand not only what legislation and regulatory requirements the service has, but also how to effectively evidence these within their service.

Daily in house compliance support £500 per day

Support could include care plan writing, risk assessments, MCA assessment planning, PIR writing, CQC applications, set up of pro contract portal system. Support is not limited and can be requested by the organisation.

Policies and Procedures- 1 £38 each , 10- £35 each, 40- £28 each, Complete set 100+ £2000 25% discount if purchasing following a audit

All policies have our KLOE Mapping system

Policies and procedures are up to date with current legislation and regulatory requirements. Information will be gathered to ensure all policies and procedures will be tailored to fit the needs of your service and personalised. 

Policies bought will allow full buy out rights to edit the document. This is very important so that the policy format links in with your other existing documents.

It also enables changes to be made swiftly following a change in detail such as new registered manager etc

Policies will be supplied in a digital format so they can be uploaded to your system.

Template folders- price dependant on folder and evidence requirements of organisation

Template folders can cover Health and Safety, Quality assurance, MCA, DOLS, medication, Infection control, CQC, data protection GDPR, staff personnel files, care files, health files and many more.



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